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About Me

Thank you for visiting The Nurturing Doula Page. I am excited to potentially become your Doula for your labor and birth of the miracle you will soon welcome to your family. I would love to get to know you and your partner and be a part of your birth experience. I offer my services in any location be it at home, in the hospital, or in a birth center. I do not discriminate against any type of family yours might be. Whether you are a same sex couple, a surrogate, a single mother, a teen, or considered high risk in your pregnancy, a doula can serve anyone and we will work together to accomplish the best labor and birth possible for you and your baby.


I live here in Fort Myers, Florida with my husband and our three children. In 2008 I gave birth to our first daughter at Health Park Hospital. Although I "planned" a natural childbirth I ended up being induced, had an epidural and had a successful vaginal birth. With our second daughter I yearned for that natural experience and sought out to find a midwife. I found The Baby Love Birth Center in Cape Coral and though I truly did expect a natural water birth we ended up having pre-mature rupture of membranes and had to be induced at Cape Coral Hospital which also ended in a vaginal birth.

With our third child in 2012 we again had the hopes of having a waterbirth at the birth center and were successful! After only 3 hours of labor we had our son in the Angel Room and were extremely overwhelmed at the difference it made in that peaceful enviroment. The warm water, dim lights and lit candles made laboring smooth and most definitely easier to bear as compared to having pitocin and being confined to a hospital bed and monitors.


After I had our son I had an extreme force in my heart telling me to spread this knowledge and empowerment I felt to other women. This means very much to me to help families bring their babies into the world feeling like they could accomplish anything. Despite medical setbacks I believe anyone can have the birth they invision. It is possible for you! If you want to birth in a hospital or birth center, myself as a Doula can be there to support whatever decisions you make for yourself and your baby.

Ashley A. Boyko

Doula Trainee


My Training


I have recently started my certification process from New Beginnings Doula Training. You can visit their website here, or visit their Facebook page for more information.


Please contact me for my current rates to attend your birth.







“Birth is the experience of a lifetime. Giving birth and being born brings us into the essence of creation where the human spirit is courageous and bold and the body a miracle of creation.” Rachel -New Beginnings Doula Training






“Whenever and however you give birth, your experience will impact your emotions, your mind, your body, and your spirit for the rest of your life.”

Ina May Gaskin

© 2014 The Nurturing Doula

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